Need to do a Short Sale in San Diego?
We specialize in helping sellers that:
- Are considering doing a short sale
- Owe more on their property than it is currently worth
- Need to sell but have a high loan balance
Owing more than what your property is worth is commonly referred to as being “underwater” on your home. If you want or need to sell and you’re underwater on your house, you’ll need to complete a “Short Sale” with your lender.
Things to know about a short sale:
- It’s a complicated process
- It requires a lot of paperwork
- Providing unacceptable paperwork or missing steps can cost you time and money
We bring to the table:
- Over a decade of experience negotiating short sales
- Many successful short sales negotiated with different lenders and multiple lienholders
- Detailed short sale packages that make lenders want to approve the sale!
Don’t wait! Getting the process started now will benefit you by increasing the likelihood of negotiating a favorable outcome with your lender.
How it Works
Get In Touch
Contact Us About Your Property
Complete this form and someone from our team will contact you to discuss your property, situation and needs.
Step 1
Type of Property
Step 2a
How much do you think your house is worth?
Step 2b
How would you describe the condition of the property?
Step 3
How soon are you looking to sell?
Step 4a
Step 4b
Property listed with an agent?
Step 5